4 NOVEMBER2022Editor NoteMore Women Must Foray into the Chinese Business World Lately China has become a bone of contention in the global political and business space. However, its economic prowess cannot be denied or ignored. A manufacturing powerhouse along with being adept at technology, The Red Dragon nation has a robust business landscape which has been supported by hard-working Chinese professionals. Over the years women's presence in the Chinese business landscape has also been increasing. According data from the global index provider MSCI, the proportion of total director seats held by women in China-listed companies has increased more than five percentage points from 2016 to 2021. While this comes as great news, it is still pertinent to note that women in leadership roles across China are far and few. Data by MSCI pointed that out of the total 636 surveyed China-listed companies, 6.4 percent had women CEOs, and 26.3 percent had female CFOs, as of 2021. The numbers although higher than the global average are none the less rather low. The business world everywhere requires more women to be part of the leadership rung. Women leaders will bring a diverse perspective to the decision making process which can eventually help solve complex challenges. We at Women Entrepreneur magazine pride ourselves in celebrating women who have carved a niche for themselves across industries and geographies. In this edition we bring to you a few illustrious women leaders from China. In this edition meet JiAnn Ng, Managing Director for. Dragon Rouge. JiAnn is fostering business expansion in her role as head of a branding firm. She believes that helping companies develop a solid brand strategy, determining the precise kind of innovation required by the product or service, and delivering it via design are all essential steps toward a successful brand expression.Originally from Malaysia, JiAnn Ng earned a BA in Mass Communications with a specialization in Public Relations and Journalism. She also has a few years of experience in the world of advertising, where she honed her talents in creative problem-solving.The issue also features Divya Hazra, Co-Founder of Esplora Consulting Law Firm. At the beginning of her career, Divya worked for the top law firms in Mumbai. She discovered her true calling in corporate law and has committed the rest of her life to it. After earning a Master of Law from Columbia University she passed the New York Bar exam. In 2019, she relocated to Shanghai, where she now runs her own law office under the name Esplora Consulting Law Firm.Read on to know their success stories in-depth and learn from their words of wisdom. Rachita SharmaManaging Editor
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