6 November2022Editor NoteThe Women Stalwarts of the Indian Interior Design Industry Celebrated American interior designer and decorator, Albert Hadley believed, "The essence of interior design will always be about people and how they live. It is about the realities of what makes for an attractive, civilized, meaningful environment, not about fashion or what's in or what's out. This is not an easy job". His words ring true even more today. For eons art has been used to communicate stories. The way a painting, a couplet, a sculpture all speak of the artist's character, similarly a home tells a story of who dwells in it. A new-age art form interior design, is the act of using aesthetics to imbue a space with character.Previously interior design and home décor was considered an elite concept. But interior design has become more democratized now and is no longer reserved for the wealthy. An average Indian consumer now has vast access to a wide world view and thus similar aspirations. People today aspire to create and live in spaces that reflect one's personalities distinctly. This coupled with increasing buying power of the middle class has been behind a boom in the interior design industry. According to a Mordor Intelligence report, the Indian home interior and renovation market is worth $20-30 Billion currently. According to the report the industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of seven percent till 2026. Interior design as a profession has also become sought after today. An interesting observation in the industry is that approximately 90 percent of all interior graduates in interior design happen to be women. But their numbers drop down to approximately 70 percent when it comes to practicing interior designers. Gradually women fall off the wagon and exit the industry in favor of raising families. Women hardly form 30 percent of leadership roles in the interior design industry. Sadly, a similar story is reflected in almost every industry. But this does not mean we do not celebrate the talented women interior designers who are redefining industry standards. In keeping with our agenda at Women Entrepreneur magazine, we present to you a list of women interior designers who are towering high in the Indian design space. These women bring with them extensive experience and aningrained mastery in this crafty science of interior design. India is fortunate to be home to several such women leaders who have made great strides in the industry with their strong sense of aesthetics, design and creativity. Do read on and let us know you thoughts. Rachita SharmaManaging Editor
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