4 AUGUST2021Hiring In today's hyper competitive market landscape, customer loyalty is a hard thing to come by. With brands cropping up by the dozen every day, consumers are enamored with choice making it tougher for companies to make a sale and gain repeat customers. The only way forward for brands is to know and understand their consumers and their habits closely. Astute market research has often been what companies fall back upon. Not only does it help companies gather and interpret critical information about individuals or organizations but also helps brands leverage this insight to shape effective business strategies and marketing/sales activities. The importance of market research can hardly be overstated. The need for sound insight from market researchers became increasingly important through the pandemic. With the world undergoing unexpected and lasting changes, a brand's relationship with their consumers was tested to the very brink. The market research industry was no different as it had to register the changes and adapt to the ongoing challenges at break neck speed. In 2020 there was an upsurge in market research technology. The end goal was to help lighten cost burdens and make do with what was present. We also saw the emergence of automation tools in a big way. With the way the past year has gone and how 2021 has been faring so far, it's safe to say that our world has changed forever. As a consequence, technology is here to stay. In order to keep up with the massive amounts of data being generated market researches will have to depend on technology to make the most of this data. The key is to not drown in this data storm but to bring in data together from different sources. Market researchers must then efficiently collate, analyze and communicate these insights. However, it is also pertinent to note that while technology has become an integral part of the market research industry, it is only there to complement human abilities and not replace them. The industry will still require intelligent and perceptive professionals. The future will see more of a blended approach with tech led tools aiding market researchers draw inspired yet efficient business insights. Do let us know your thoughtsEditor NoteMarket Research Moving Towards Blended Approach between Tech & Human InterventionRachita SharmaSpecial Editor
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