4 DECEMBER2020The most important life lessons are taught to us by our mother to help us either sail through the tough times or escape them. But modern days need modern solutions and the next-age life lessons needs the next-level strength to deal with. Hence we need someone who understands the qualms of the modern days and provide solutions for the conundrums we are tired of facing each day. While few of us sustain these ordeals, many of us need experts to hold our hands in these tough times.Life coaches help us pass these tough times with ease, providing us the morale strength we need at such times. From helping students to professionals, from helping mothers to helping kids build cordial relationship and keep strengthening them, life coaches are indeed life saviors. And women life coaches have an extra edge, as women are more empathetic and have better listening ability. This indeed helps the clients open up and deal with their crisis better. Women life coaches also prove to be better support system for female clients as they feel more comfortable opening up their issues in front of them. These are indeed a few of the uncountable benefits women life coaches bring to the fore. In our current edition of Women Entrepreneur India Magazine, we bring to you the story of few such women life coaches who have transformed the lives of several of their clients. Our issue `Top 10 Women in Life Coaching ­ 2020' highlights their story of expertise, uniqueness, determination, their services and even few case studies of how they transformed their lives. Read to know more about them.Do let us know what you think! Editor NoteTransforming Lives with Self Care & Self Love Anamika SahuManaging Editoreditor@womenentrepreneurindia.com
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