4 November2022Editor NoteWomen Leaders Positively Impact Other Women's Career AdvancementSound leadership is a key requirement for growth in every aspect of society and life, be it in politics, business or one's personal life. Excellence in leadership has never been dependent on one's gender, rather it is about one's ability and intention. However, women leaders have often been doubted. Women are also highly under-represented in top leadership roles across all industries and geographies. But it is all the more important to support and celebrate women leaders. Female leaders who are in influential positions can function as role models. It can not only positively impact the career advancement of other women, but can alsohave a largerimpact on workplace policy changes, and creating a more diverse workforce.One such leader is TsukikoTsukahara, Founder and President of Kaleidist K.K. She considersherself a management author and influencer rather than merely an HR consultant or researcher. Her firm offers D&I advice services and workshops to multinational corporations, Japanese corporations, government agencies, and academic institutions. Tsukikooffers a strategic perspective on how company leaders, including CEOs, CHOs, and CDOs, can improve their businesses through D&I. She can help those company leaders to break through not only their HR space but also their entire business through the DEI perspective. Dr. Anita Ramsak, Founder,ARSIC Social Impact Consulting is another such leader. ARSIC Social Impact Consulting governed by Dr. Anita deals with innovative public problem-solving. "Being a founder and director of the social impact company, which bears my name, comes with a range of responsibilities, from ensuring operational requirements to building a core team and maximizing the satisfaction, and growth opportunities for my colleagues and others in the network we work in. However, most importantly, I am a gatekeeper of quality assurance, always making sure that anything produced and delivered by the company, is produced within the highest standard of quality and has the maximum beneficial impact, not only on clients' performance but, what is really the core of what and why we are doing our work, also on society at large", says Dr. Anita Ramsak, founder of ARSIC Social Impact Consulting.In this issue we also feature Maria Rufina, Founder, Ace Biznez Services. Maria is a Certified Professional Facilitator from the International Association of Facilitators, US. This apart, she is a Fellow of the International Professional Managers Association, UK (IPMA), and Oxford Center of Leadership, UK (OXCEL). She is also the President of OXCEL (UK) in Malaysia. A corporate trainer and entrepreneur her specialization is in helping people of any positional level to enhance their core competencies. She has been in the training industry as an entrepreneur for close to two decades now and has trained more than 50,000 people from Malaysia, as well as internationally.Read through the current edition of Women Entrepreneur magazine to know more about these illustrious women leaders. Do let us know your thoughts. Rachita SharmaManaging Editor
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