19 MARCH2022Lanka on March 8th, 2019 for International Women's Day, and we were the first group of women to go down into Sapphire mines in Sri Lanka.As a gemologist and jewelry designer, I have experimented with various sites on each stone and perspectives that look directly into the heart of each and capture the essence of their inner beauty. My collections are inspired by various concepts, ideas from contemporary art and literature, and wonders of nature.TELL US ABOUT THE VARIOUS ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES THAT YOU CURRENTLY SHOULDER AT SHISHEBORAN GALLERY. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST CHALLENGING ASPECTS OF CURRENT ROLE AND HOW DO COUNTER THESE CHALLENGES? I am the company's CEO, executive director, and partly owner. Finding my own way in the male-dominated society was extremely difficult for me as a young woman. But, by educating myself and networking with women all over the world, I was eventually able to form an all-female team with only one man on the team. I wanted to give women greater possibilities to be themselves and accomplish anything they want in the workplace.The company was relocated to Dubai in order to expand the business and trade with overseas buyers. We want to have an online experience, since in today's world, every aspect of our lives moving online. We intend to leverage technology to grow our company further. Our mission is to increase market visibility and transparency while also sourcing from sustainable resources and contributing to the local mining community.HOW DID YOU DEVELOP A PASSION FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP? WHAT MOTIVATED YOU TO TAKE SHISHEBORAN GALLERY ONLINE? This startup idea came to me after I noticed the need in the market for custom made pieces. People want something that truly belongs to them. I thought I could make an automated way of searching for stones, sending pictures and videos of it to customers, making repeated calls and messages to customers and gem stone dealers, meeting with my illustrators, 3D designer, and goldsmith, answering people's concerns, and so on. And that's how we are coming up with an online platform. We will begin with engagement rings and gradually add more pieces. With this endeavor I want to bring greater equality to miners, jewelry designers, and those involved in the sales process.HOW DO YOU KEEP YOURSELF WELL ALIGNED WITH THE PERIODIC EVOLUTIONS OCCURRING IN THE INDUSTRY AND THE TECHNOLOGY DOMAIN? I am a constant learner who is always interested in learning about new technology and market trends. I try my hardest to attend all international events, which keeps me up to date on the latest trends. I have a network of people who are interested in technology and who assist me in keeping up with the latest trends. With the help of my team we've been able to create a jewelry e-commerce website.WHAT WOULD YOU ADVICE WOMEN ASPIRING TO BECOME BUSINESS LEADERS AND ENTREPRENEURS?To every women out there, know your heart and follow your passion. Your passion is already within you; it is the only thing that you can do with all the strength and zeal; all you have to do is know yourself better and figure out what truly motivates you. When you find it, never stop moving forward. Whether it's studying, doing an internship, or starting your own business, you'll never be exhausted if you work with passion and love and getting out of our comfort zones is the key to success.
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