8 November2022A literary event called Abhivyakti Season 2 will be launched by AWWA President Archana Pande on November 12, 2022 at Jawahar Kala Kendra (JKK), Jaipur. A three-day literary festival called Abhivyakti Season 2 will take place from November 12 to November 14, 2022, with the goal of promoting Army spouses' literary abilities and showcasing their artistic abilities in order to advance women's empowerment. Season 1 of Abhivyakti took place in New Delhi in December 2021.A wide range of events are scheduled for the event's opening day, including book launches, panel discussions, poetry readings, and interactive sessions with writers.The session `Naghma-E-Zindagi' will present audience members with amazement poems, while `Safarnama - Kagaz se Kitab Tak' will discuss the literary travels of authors, editors, and publishers. A panel discussion titled `Chhote Kadam' will include fearless female Indian Army commanders who are pioneers in their own right. Veer Naris and Mrs. Swapnil Pandey, authors of `Force behind the Forces', will share their moving and inspirational tales on a panel. A session called `Meri Kahani Meri Zubani - Walk Through the Wall' will feature the success tales of former Army women who are now business owners. During Kavyadhara - The Universe in Verse, poets will share their works with the audience. Additionally, workshops on `Social Influencing' and for aspiring entrepreneurs will be offered.The literary festival in Jaipur includes a wide range of events. The three-day event will feature thought-provoking panel discussions, book launches, modulated storytelling, theatre performances by renowned artists, debut releases by first-time writers, expertly selected seminars, and businesses presenting their goods from all across the nation. Events from the cultural and musical world will liven up the Literary Festival.A stand-up comedy show and a musical performance by the renowned Army Symphony band will also take place on the first day of the festival to lend colour to the proceedings. A number of well-known journalists and figures from many fields will attend the event. Army women who have achieved success in other spheres will also attend the event and share their personal struggles and triumphs. IN FOCUSTHE SECOND SEASON OF ABHIVYAKTI TO BE INAUGURATED BY ARCHANA PANDE, PRESIDENT OF AWWATHE THREE-DAY EVENT WILL FEATURE THOUGHT-PROVOKING PANEL DISCUSSIONS, BOOK LAUNCHES, MODULATED STORYTELLING, THEATRE PERFORMANCES BY RENOWNED ARTISTS, DEBUT RELEASES BY FIRST-TIME WRITERS, EXPERTLY SELECTED SEMINARS, AND BUSINESSES PRESENTING THEIR GOODS FROM ALL ACROSS THE NATION
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