4 March2021Do you know your oral health speaks more than just your dental hygiene? A good dentist can unfurl the red flags if you have any underlying health issues such as heart problem, blood pressure and more. Indeed with the pandemic still there and vaccine still on its way, looking after our health should remain our top priority. Having proper diet and nutritious food can boost our immunity and give you the power to fight with the pandemic. However, as pandemic restricted our movements and only essentials were available to buy, the ladies went back to their `Dadi maa ka nuskha'. Haldi, tulsi, aadrak, jeera and many such Indian masalas became our go to medicines. Including `kaadha' in our daily diet plan seemed so very routine but important. We became more cautious about our food intake and even our exercise. Many of us started consulting dieticians and nutritionists to ensure we just have good food that will ensure we remain fit and energetic. Health is wealth and indeed a good dentist, dietetics and nutritionists when combined can eliminate almost all of the health issues. In this current edition of Women Entrepreneur India Magazine, we bring to you the tales of the best from these three fields. We bring to you the list of top 10 dentists, nutritionists, and dietetics and explain you about their unique skills, excellence and ways of treatment. Read to know how they are transforming the lives of many of their clients. Editor NoteCreating a Healthier World Together Anamika SahuManaging Editoreditor@womenentrepreneurindia.com
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