4 October2021Healthcare is one of the most crucial industry for any economy. With time, the market size has been increasing. Dentistry, an integral part of the healthcare sector has been no different. Globally, the Asian market witnessed highest growth of 10 percent, which was followed by U.S. India is another major player in the dentistry industry owing to its manufacturing capabilities when it comes to dental products. The Indian dentistry market has at the receiving end of enormous investment opportunities through FDI, outsourcing to healthcare BPO's and sectoral growth in the field of telemedicine, diagnosis, etc. The country remains a major exporter of dental products to countries across the globe. Building on these strengths, the India dental service market is slated to grow at a CAGR of 7.34 percent between 2017-2030. The dental service market will see amplified growth owing to growth of laser dentistry and painless treatment. The already burgeoning market has benefitted hugely from various micro and macro factors such as increasing healthcare awareness and healthcare expenditure. With rural and urban areas witnessing a rise in private dental offices has facilitated the prevalence of quality and affordable dental healthcare for all. . The market will however have to bear the brunt of incomplete dental treatment program and inadequate services for treatment in rural areas. The dental industry has also been affected owing to the global pandemic. Much like the rest of the world and business landscape that is reeling under the aftereffects of Covid 19, the Indian dental industry has had to adapt and transcend with the need of the current scenario. The current edition of Women Entrepreneur magazine brings to you stories of some of the most accomplished dentists in India. We delved deep to understand how these players combatted challenges brought about by Covid 19. These stories also detail the underlying philosophies that each of these healthcare practitioners follows. Each story is truly unique and inspiring. Do let us know your thoughts.Editor NoteIndian Dentistry Industry on the Rise editor@womenentrepreneurindia.comRachita SharmaSpecial Editor
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