19 June2022in to short lived stress coping activities like smoking or drinking. While these help our mind escape the pressure of the situation, it is never a long term solution. Unless you start working on your psychological well-being, you cannot expect things to get better. It has to begin from within, and it has to begin now.WORKING WOMEN & QUALITY OF LIFEMany studies suggest that women who have a professional career or job have as many challenges and success and satisfaction in their lives as the women who engage in house making tasks alone. Not that being a home-keeper and full time mom is any less empowering. This study only helps solidify the fact that the stress in our lives is not because we have to focus on both our careers and homes at the same time. If anything, a career or job gives you more confidence and financial independence.SO WHY DO WORKING WOMEN STRUGGLE WITH THEIR PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING?It is because we are often overwhelmed by the sheer pressure that comes with juggling multiple tasks from our professional and personal lives. Women have to work twice as hard as men to get the same recognition and respect at work, and they have always been known to contribute more at home than their male spouses.Amidst this hustle of wearing all the hats at once, we sometimes forget to take off the hats and relax. Many working women prioritize work, family and then themselves, resulting in continuous physical and mental fatigue. Their body and mind also need some recharging­ something we fail to notice or acknowledge until it starts showing up as life-style diseases like PCOS, weight gain, fatigue, digestion issues, diabetes and hypertension to name a few.HOW DO YOU BOOST YOUR PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING?The most common question that all life coaches are asked is "How do we recharge our mind?"I believe we are one whole of part mind and part body, and respecting both our body and mind while tending to them is a big gap we miss out on. In order to build and enhance your psychological well-being, you have to identify what makes you feel relaxed, gives you joy, and does not completely exhaust your mind in the process. A life coach or therapist can only help you identify what makes you happy, what can you let go in that process, and how to engage in activities that bring you positive energy and joy, it is you who has to make the change.MAKE RELAXATION A PART OF YOUR ROUTINESome people plan a mini vacation, leisure trip, or spa visit to rejuvenate, while others choose to volunteer time for a social cause. Even despite COVID, you can be creative and look for ways to pamper and enrich yourself. Invest time in self-care and keep a grooming day for long baths with aroma oils and candles perhaps. Invest some time in upgrading your skills, or try catching up on hobbies you didn't think you had time for. These periodical escapes from the routine not only help you come back with a fresh renewed energy and more excitement, they also give the much needed break from your stressful routine.Include physical exercise or workout in your day if your job demands you sitting for long hours. Jumping jack done 20 times before your bath, add some deep slow breathing, all of which can take a total of five minutes of your time. This will help keep your body and mind active throughout the day. Set aside some time for reading books, walking in the garden or park, cooking something delicious, or just sitting in the balcony sipping your favorite beverage. Give yourself time to unwind on a daily basis, and you will witness reduced stress and anxiety.So stop to breathe. Relax. Youare only human and you don't have to be afraid of making mistakes. Make sure to learn from them and move on. Keeping your physical and psychological well-being as a priority can bring you more confidence and happiness. SOME PEOPLE PLAN A MINI VACATION, LEISURE TRIP, OR SPA VISIT TO REJUVENATE, WHILE OTHERS CHOOSE TO VOLUNTEER TIME FOR A SOCIAL CAUSE
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