19 OCTOBER2023Asia is the largest of the world's continents, covering approximately 30 percent of the Earth's land area. It is also the world's most populous continent, with roughly 60 percent of the total population.It is the world's largest, most populous continent, regulatory environment, and home to some of the world's most vibrant and diverse Asian economies and cultures. it presents significant opportunities for doing business and expansion.Responsibilities of COO:A chief operating officer or chief operations officer is an executive who manages the personnel, resources, logistics, and daily operations of an organization. COOs are usually second-in-command immediately after the CEO, and reports directly to them and acts on their behalf in their absence. The COO - sometimes known as the vice president of operations is typically the second in command in a company and reports to the CEO. As the second highest ranking member of most organizations the Chief Operating Officer is one of the most important roles a business can have, and the benefits of having an elite COO can pay large dividends.Women as Chief Officers:According to the statistics, 23.4 percent of chief operating officers are women and 76.6 percent of COOs are men. Female COOs can enhance firm exploration efforts based on their unique contributions and their contribution to managerial gender heterogeneity. Individually, female leaders are associated with cooperative, nurturing, and collaborative leadership styles, which can help firms to foster innovation. Female COOs are likely to exhibit more creativity and flexibility than male ones, as well as more of an interest in learning; all these factors can lead to firm's development functions.In this issue, the Women Entrepreneur magazine brings a list of `Top 10 Women COOs from Asia -2023', who are domineers of change in the corporate realm of the country. This list of ten leading and inspiring women is crafted by a team of CEOs, VCs, and the editorial board, delivering inspiring stories of their journey and the contributions & roles played by them in the creation and empowerment of an economically powerful nation.Chief Operating Officers are Operational Mastery with LeadershipTop 102023WOMEN COOsFROM ASIA
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