4 DECEMBER2022Editor NoteCMOs are the Architects of Brand Success in today's Digital EraBetween 2000 and 2022, global internet usage has increased by 1355 percent! The average global internet user today spends 6 hours and 37 minutes online each day. It is estimated that collectively the world's internet users will spend roughly 1.4 billion years of combined human existence online in 2022.We are officially living in the digital era. The digital transformation has changed the world in several ways. As consumers' buying power and willingness to spend has increased there has also been decreased market entry barriers. As a consequence more brands and players have emerged in the market now. Hordes of global and local players are in a tussle to gain a bigger chunk of the market pie. As market competition intensifies, the battle to acquire consumers is being fought through digitally. Companies and brands now rely on thoughtfully created advertising and marketing campaigns to win over choosy consumers. Brands today understand that they must invest in marketing and advertising since it has become one of the key components of business growth. A DCMN survey about the Marketing Trends for 2022 found that 66 percent of marketers surveyed globally expected their budgets to increase in 2022. The percentage was even higher (71 percent) amongst the Indian marketers.Every brand today irrespective of its stature and nature is striving to create a strong online presence in order to connect with users and potential consumers who live in the `digitalverse'. Technology has been a massive game changer in terms of amplifying the effectiveness and efficiency of digital marketing solutions. In today's times, data driven solutions and AI based insights have become the norm. There has also been an unprecedented rise of `influencer marketing' among various other influential changes. Over the years, the marketing professional has had to evolve drastically to leverage these new trends. This is how the modern CMOs role came into being. The CMO which is the top most marketing position in a company is tasked with the primary goal to increase brand awareness and revenue. The CMO is ultimately responsible for creating and executing the brand's marketing campaigns and endeavors. A brand or company's marketing team is led by the CMO who is the chief in arms. Although the marketing world has seen various variables come to the fore, making it more complex, but the most important component of marketing still remains the same, i.e. `communication'. A CMOs primary task thus is to connect with the consumers & tell a beautiful brand story.Do let us know your thoughts. Rachita SharmaManaging Editor
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