9 AUGUST2023INFOCUSFor the fiscal year 2022­2023, more than 57Percentage of Indian women actively participated in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA), according to recent data provided in Parliament by the national government. In spite of the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, this statistic marks a rise from the prior year, when 54.82Percentage of women participated.Kerala emerged as a leader in women's engagement, highlighting geographical distribution, with an amazing 89.82Percentage of women participating in MNREGA activities. Puducherry came in second place with 87.48Percentage, demonstrating the area's dedication to promoting female participation in rural job prospects.MNREGA, a central program that is gender-neutral, actively promotes women's participation by guaranteeing wage parity with males and creating equal chances. Additionally, the program creates unique pay schedules just for women and offers daycare services for kids as well as work-side play areas. These rules are intended to remove obstacles that might prevent women from participating in the program and to provide an atmosphere that would encourage their active participation in rural development activities.These encouraging numbers were provided to the Lok Sabha in a written reply by Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, the Minister of State for Rural Development. The government's dedication to gender equality and women's economic development in rural areas is shown in the focus on increasing women's participation.The minister also disclosed a positive increase in overall MNREGA registrations for people between the ages of 18 and 30. From 2.95 crore in the fiscal year 2020­21 to 3.06 crore in the fiscal year 2022­23, an overall increase in the number of people in this age group who registered for the program was seen. This expansion shows the program's rising popularity among young people, underscoring its importance in addressing rural job requirements.Through inclusive and gender-sensitive policies, MNREGA has become an essential tool for empowering women and giving rural communities access to sources of income. The program's emphasis on women's participation continues to be essential for fostering social and economic development in rural India and for bringing about good change and a more just society. EMPOWERING INDIAN WOMEN: MNREGA SEES 57.43PERCENTAGE FEMALE PARTICIPATION IN 2022-23THE GOVERNMENT'S DEDICATION TO GENDER EQUALITY AND WOMEN'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREAS IS SHOWN IN THE FOCUS ON INCREASING WOMEN'S PARTICIPATION
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