6 DECEMBER2022COLUMNThe Importance of Psychological Well-Being for Working WomenWhat Women Actually Need in Physiotherapy with respect to Body Type & DietBeing a Woman Dentist!Making Workplaces Inclusive for WomenGeeta Ramakrishnan, Ontological CoachDr. Swathi (PT), Senior Consultant Physiotherapist & Certified Diet Counsellor, Motherhood CorporateDr. Gunita Singh, BDS MD Dental Lasers, Director Dentem & Associate Consultant, Sir Ganga Ram HospitalPreetha Vasnaji, Manging Director - India, Doceree16243032The Influence of Mental Illnesses on Work, Potential & Career DevelopmentRicha Singh, Co-Founder & CEO, YourDOST10OPINIONIN FOCUS ALUMNI CONTRIBUTES TO CREATE SHOBITAM CENTRE FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AT BITS PILANI, WITH A PLEDGE OF RS.1 CRORE08
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