4 DECEMBER2022Editor NoteThe Contemporary Chief Growth Officer is a CEOs Strongest AllyThe modern day corporate world is a whole other beast in itself. With ever rising market competition and digital transformation, corporate structures have had to evolve to align with the need of the hour. As a consequence new business models have emerged. There has also been a rise of new roles and functions to help organizations cope with the new ways of the world. One such new found position is that of the Chief Growth Office. Although the role was initially created by media agencies, today technology companies & other large businesses have also warmed up to the need of a CGO. Asked with the key responsibility of facilitating strategic growth, CGOs today leverage key qualities of coordination and collaboration. In today's fast paced world, companies need to become more agile. They also need to explore potential markets while operating on limited resources while navigating the needs of various stakeholders. A CGO addresses these requirements; he/she networks, forms new alliances, optimizes business models & processes, and translates customer insights into actionable business goals. While the captain of the ship is the CEO, it isn't often possible for them to keep the business functioning efficiently along with keeping an eye on the future growth prospects. The responsibility to not only structure the forward vision but also execute the action plan falls on the able shoulders of a CGO. A CGO is a CEOs strongest ally. The current edition of Women Entrepreneur magazine brings to you the stories of prolific women leaders who have excelled as Chief Growth Officers in their respective organizations. We bring to you the story of Novia Karunia Nur Ashri, Head of Growth, Riliv. She strives to accomplish her mission by supporting the habit of independently practicing self-ability."I am responsible for reaching and growing our users bigger and faster," says Novia. Striving always for excellence, Novia is driven by constant learning, motivation, and persistence to bring a more significant impact on herself and society. With her enthusiastic personality, she continuously puts her best effort into making users love and engage with the product. Next up we have Neha Pathak Vats, CGO, Plotch.ai. An expert in Go-to-Market strategies for e-commerce, business growth, customer experience, retail, and business consulting, Neha is an adept leader in the digital marketing industry. In the last 18 years of her career, she has worked in large enterprises as well as in startups and both of the experiences have brought her immense learnings."As a CGO, I am responsible for overseeing the expansion of my organization. I play a key role in refining our products & services, identifying new markets to enter, acquiring new clients, helping our clients get digitally established, and creating strategies to achieve these goals," says Neha. Next up we have Smiley Chaudhary, Executive Director, Zero Waste City. Smiley pursued a Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting & Finance from The University of Newcastle, a professional chartered accountancy affiliate certification from ACCA UK, a Master's in Digital Marketing & Luxury Brand Management from ESSEC Business School, and, recently, she has been certified as a True Advisor (Total Resource Use Efficiency) by the Green Business Certification. She has been part of leading companies including Raffles Corporate Consultants, EY, and Qingwa. Do read on and let us know your thoughtsRachita SharmaManaging Editor
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