19 DECEMBER2021India has always been a predominantly male-dominated country in terms of social and cultural norms. However, in the recent couple of decades, India has made significant progress toward a more equitable and inclusive society, with a shift away from the traditional insistence on religious practices and ideals, as well as an increase in secondary and higher female education. Women have not only been rapidly entering the workforce and rising to leadership positions, but they have also created their own enterprises.Many women are now working in industries that were formerly deemed male-dominated. We can witness a significant increase in the percentage of female entrepreneurs in businesses such as advertising, finance, real estate, manufacturing, and communication, among others. With the advent of media and a plethora of opportunities, women are quickly progressing from job seekers to job creators. With the steady growth of the Indian startup ecosystem, an increasing number of women are pursuing the entrepreneurial dream and succeeding in their businesses.Through their success stories, which include personal struggles and challenges, these wonder women are motivating other women to pursue entrepreneurship. As a result, India is rapidly gaining in the rankings when it comes to a favorable startup ecosystem backed by strong government support.Women entrepreneurship, Capacity development workshop for women, WING - Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs, Climate Ready For Women, WOMEN STARTUP PROGRAM, AWE (Accelerating Women Entrepreneurs), Climate Ready for Women in Energy, Words with Women Entrepreneurs (W3E), Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, The Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP), Climate Ready for Women in Upcycling, Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women, Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development (TREAD) Scheme for Women, Virtual Incubation Program for Women Entrepreneurs (VIP-WE) are the few programs startup India have devised for women to promote entrepreneurship.In the financial year 2021, women had the highest proportion of micro firms across all business sizes, with more micro businesses in rural areas than in urban areas. The increased presence of women as entrepreneurs has resulted in a shift in the demographics of business and the country's economic prosperity. Women-owned businesses are playing an increasingly important role in society, encouraging others and creating more job possibilities around the country.The current edition of Women Entrepreneur Magazine shines the spotlight on women leaders who have been making waves in the corporate and startup world alike. Appropriately deemed as the Business Women Leaders of the Year 2021, all of these women have been at the forefront of their respective industries. Not only have they broken the glass ceilings in the business echelons but are also motivating various other women to join the workforce. WOMEN BUSINESS LEADEROF THE YEAR - 2021
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