7 DECEMBER2021IN FOCUSCJI NV Ramana promises to raise demand for a higher proportion of women on the bench08Odisha partners with UNCDF to empower women through Mission Shakti Living Lab09EDITORIAL EXCLUSIVELAST WORDCOLUMNINTERVIEWWhy Financial Freedom Is Important For WomenSonica Aron, Managing Partner & Founder, Marching SheepField Expertise & Understanding of Non-IT Networks Critical To Maintain Consistency & LongevityMeghna Agarwal, Delivery Manager, ATCS IndiaThe Evolution of Women EntrepreneursCONTRIBUTORSSwapna Pawar,Founder & CEO, Edukinect20Tripti Devleker,Co-Founder & Managing Director,Newbridge3228ShwetaBatraCEO and Co-Founder,Fashive42302638364016INDIAN WOMEN LEADERSIN SINGAPORE - 2021TOP 10 What makes global markets attractive ?Ashma Zaveri, Chief Operating Officer, Monarch Global AccessMoonisha Gupta, Partner, Soulcraft SolutionsAishwarya Jain Founder, IM HappinessPrerna Jhunjhunwala,FounderReinventing the workplace: new normal for the commercial real estate sectorWhy is Mental Health Literacy Important?This Edupreneur Believes Education Must Not Be a Privilege but the Right of Every Child
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