19 SEPTEMBER2023Indian Women Leaders in Retail from Asia Providing quality ProductsWith new-age, digital first businesses bursting into the retail space, it has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast paced industries and witnessing an ever-changing landscape filled with advancement. Today retail is at a boom being more consumer-centric than ever, which is paving the way towards the biggest revolution, where it widely welcomes the active participation of women and provide them opportunities to be significant contributors of economic empowerment and career advancement. And, women too willingly join this sector to break the age old tradition of running homes and killing their in capabilities.Significance of Indian Women leaders in Retail from Asia: Indian Women leaders in Retail from Asia blessed with certain traits that are tailor-made to suit the needs of this industry and making them perfect retailers. They are gifted with undeniable qualities such as pleasant, patient, empathetic, stable, effective communicator including others, which makes them more suitable for specific retail roles in Asia. Indian Women leaders in Retail from Asia has is the ability to connect and develop a community, through understanding, attracting, engaging and retaining customers, which are crucial for not only retail but for every business. With fostering entrepreneurship spirit merging with feminism, the world is witnessing unimaginable today. In this challenging and highly competitive world women are constantly breaking down societal barriers by succeeding and excelling in almost every industry and retail is no exception. Retail Market Worldwide: Retail relates to the sale of goods and services to consumers. Transactions take place through various channels of distribution across an ever-growing range of industries. In 2022, the global retail market generated sales of over 27 trillion U.S. dollars, with a forecast to reach over 30 trillion U.S. dollars by 2024.In this issue, the Women Entrepreneur magazine brings a list of `Top 10 Indian Women leaders in Retail from Asia ­ 2023', who are domineers of change in the corporate realm of the country. This list of ten leading and inspiring women is crafted by a team of CEOs, VCs, and the editorial board, delivering inspiring stories of their journey and the contributions & roles played by them in the creation and empowerment of an economically powerful nation.Top 102023INDIAN WOMEN LEADERS IN RETAIL FROM ASIA
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