4 SEPTEMBER2022Editor NoteWomen still Under-Represented in Leadership Roles across Australian Corporate World Much like the rest of the world, Australia has also had its fair share of challenges pertaining to giving its women equal rights and opportunities. In 1966, the percentage of Australian women in the workforce was 30 percent. More than five decades down the line, the country down under has made considerable progress in bringing more women to join the working ranks. In 2020, women made up close to 50 percent of the entire Australian workforce. The country has made significant improvements over the years in promoting gender equality across the board. However, there still remains one challenge; the under-representation of women in the top leadership roles. Unfortunately, this remains a universal issue and a serious cause for concern. More so, a business concern. Several studies have proven the advantages of having a diverse and inclusive workforce. The longer women remain under-represented in leadership roles, the slower will a business's growth be. The Australian corporate world has been making strides towards a gender balanced boardroom and decision making table, yet the progress has remained slow. When it comes to for-profit organizations women make up 42 percent of the entire workforce but only 25 percent of executives are female. The number falls further as women make up only 10 percent of the CEOs for large, private sector companies. Across the ASX 200 companies, 17 percent of CEOs and 30 percent of Directors are women. While this phenomenon is unfair to women as it doesn't give them their due, however, it also negatively impacts business growth. Businesses stand to gain considerably, more so financially as more women become part of the decision making process. According to a research, three out of four employed Australians believe that equal representation of women on company boards and in corporate leadership is important. 48 percent of the respondents also felt that not enough progress is being made towards achieving this.Simple yet effective steps such as equal opportunity, flexible work models, thoughtful maternity leave policies, fostering a safe work environment etc can work wonders.Another factor than can spur more women to join the top ranks across the corporate world is the presence of strong role models who have made it big in this industry. You believe what you see after all. The Women Entrepreneur magazine stands strong in our mandate to facilitate positive change in women's contribution to the workforce. We bring to you stories of women business leaders who have craved a strong presence in their respective industries. The current edition brings to you several such stories of Indian origin women leaders in Australia. We spoke to these inspirational women to underline the secret to their success as professionals. Read on and do let us know your thoughts. Rachita SharmaManaging Editor
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