8 October2022Mary Kay Inc., a leading proponent of gender equality and corporate sustainability, recently took part in a virtual learning exchange organised by the Coral Triangle Center (CTC), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and the Regional Secretariat of the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF).In addition to highlighting successful women-led initiatives in sustainable marine resource management and ocean protection, the event, "Women Leaders Protecting the Coral Triangle's Threatened Biodiversity and Endangered Species", highlighted innovations and actions taken by women leaders throughout the Coral Triangle in protecting marine biodiversity. In order to achieve the worldwide objective of protecting 30 percent of the world's oceans by 2030, these programmes place a strong emphasis on biodiversity preservation, climate action, and marine protected area management.The coral reefs in the Coral Triangle are among the most beautiful and diverse in the world, and they serve as a habitat for more than 250 different fish species. However, a lot of the coral triangle's marine life and ecosystems are in danger due to human activity. Mary Kay participated in a panel discussion with representatives from the CTC, CTI-CFF, TNC, WWF Malaysia, Conservation International, and the University of the Philippines Diliman to share motivational tales about preserving sea turtles, dugongs, sharks, and sustainable fisheries.Many of the initiatives Mary supports result in successful conservation efforts, gender equality, and community economic empowerment. Mary Kay has kept working with TNC, the women of Papua New Guinea, and Mangoro Market Meri to market sustainable mangrove products like shellfish and mudcrabs while preventing mangroves from being cut down for their wood in the Coral Triangle. To help this community create much-needed revenue and employment possibilities while simultaneously enhancing the mangrove habitat, it is provided with leadership, financial literacy, and business management training.Mary has additionally supported TNCs work with KAWAKI in the Solomon Islands to safeguard sea turtles and carry out community health and conservation education initiatives in the Arnavon Community Marine Park. This work has included gender training with 30 park rangers, KAWAKI members, and other community stakeholders to comprehend and challenge gender-based norms that might prevent women from participating in park activities. 2,000 people have been reached by their cleanliness and conservation teaching initiatives in local communities and schools. IN FOCUSMARY KAY INC. PROMOTES WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP IN CONSERVATION THROUGH VIRTUAL LEARNING EXCHANGEMANY OF THE INITIATIVES MARY SUPPORTS RESULT IN SUCCESSFUL CONSERVATION EFFORTS, GENDER EQUALITY, AND COMMUNITY ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT
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