4 2022NOVEMBERWomen globally have long proven their mettle as business leaders and Indian women have been no less. One distinct quality that makes Indian women stand out in their enterprising nature. Indians by virtue are risk-takers who do not shy away from grabbing growth opportunities. This is why we see Indians making a name for themselves beyond the boundaries of the country. In the current edition of Women Entrepreneur magazine we present to you a list of Indian Women Leaders from Germany. On the cover we feature, Gayatri Puranik, CEO of Om Vital Vertriebs. She moved to Germany for Applied Linguistics, Translation, and Interpretation course. "Having lived in Germany and India for multiple decades, I got intrigued and developed valuable insights from different cultures in both nations. Cross-cultural gain is the ability to see a situation from different perspectives, look objectively and dispassionately at a problem, and remain calm and solution oriented." Gayatri today leads the company to higher skies through her strategic thinking and determination. Om Vital Vertriebs GmbH is an importer company based in Germany, dealing in ayurvedic products and promoting Ayurveda as a way of life.In this issue we also tell the success story of Auromita Bhadra, Vice President of Product Management, CoreMedia. A dedicated and forward thinker with expertise in product management, Auromita is tirelessly working to bring value to the customers. Auromita had an idyllic childhood, growing up in the University of North Bengal where her parents taught, surrounded by nature, books and the gorgeous Himalayan Mountains. With her strong mindset and aware soul, she knows how to drive the business on the path to success.We also feature Sumita Kar, VP Customer Success, Crealytics. A forward-thinking competent professional, Sumita has nine years of experience in digital marketing, customer success, business development, strategic consulting, and project management in the digital landscape. Through her expertise in customer handling, she strives to empower and inspire others and create value for clients.Sumita and the others are joined by Kritika Singh, Head of Sales Development- DACH, Pleo. Kritika completed her Bachelor of Technology and Master of Technology degrees from Jaypee Institute of Technology, her Master of European Studies from The University of Bonn, and her Master of Science from The University of Edinburgh. She is an expert in expanding and managing SDR teams spanning across the globe in the fast-paced B2B SaaS market, where she has worked for over seven years. She is now the Head of Sales Development for DACH at Pleo and is very motivated about fostering diverse and collaborative teams, establishing repeatable procedures, and leading with compassion and understanding.Going beyond technology and business we also feature Meera Mani, Founder, Lasya Priya Fine Arts. Meera Mani has over 25 years of teaching experience in both India and Germany. She is the founder and director of Lasya Priya Fine arts, which is a dance school in Karlsruhe, Germany. She has staged several performances at events and won many accolades for the same. Most recently, LasyaPriya Fine Arts was selected to present the epic, Ramayana, in association with The Consulate General of India, Munich. Meera Mani is the Managing Director of CVR UG. We hope reading through this edition you feel inspired to dream big and learn the lessons required to turn those dreams into reality. Do let us know your thoughts. Editor NoteEnterprising Indian Women Making a Mark in the German Business, Technology & Art World editor@womenentrepreneurindia.comRachita SharmaSpecial Editor
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