8 DECEMBER2020COACHING AND MENTORING - A GUIDE FOR A BETTER PATHThere are various study regarding Indian women in corporate industries, which concludes that the major barriers for their advancement to corporate leadership included the lack of mentoring of women and an inhospitable corporate culture. Very often women break into senior management, but are unable to reach the very top because of mindsets within the company that consider critical leadership positions best suited for men; instead, women get moved to functions like HRD or administration that are often thought of as support functions. Here's where a coach or a mentor can be very useful. A mentor at the top management level who recognizes an employee's potential can give them opportunities to prove herself and recommend her for critical positions when they open. A coach can help them realize their inner potential, which can further result in the skills improvement and development in an individual, leading them to land into the leadership role. Thus, mentoring and coaching women can play a crucial role in enhancing their career, especially in a largely male-dominated world, where women are always fighting to break the glass ceiling. However, mentoring and coaching are both different and a woman must understand its importance to leverage the most out of it.In the current era, terms like coaching and mentoring have become a buzzword. These words can be seen associated with almost every industry including the educational realm, corporate world and also in the wellness space, to name a few. It is also seen IN FOCUSTeamBy
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